Withdrawal from the Admission

The admitted student in one of the university’s programs can withdraw from admission during the admission period until Thursday, Safar 10, 1446 AH, corresponding to August 15, 2024 AD, at 12 noon,  by logging to his/her account in the admission system and agreeing to the terms of withdrawal. Next step is to print the Clearance Form that is sealed by the Deanship of Admissions and Registration and signed by the Dean of Admission and Registration via the University website. For this process, the student is not required to visit the university at all.

 Steps of Withdrawl From Admission:

1. Log in to your application through the Review your application icon using the username and password you used to apply.

2. Choose Admission to Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University and then withdraw from the application for admission.

3. The Agreement Page will appear, read the conditions well before continuing, check Accept the conditions at the bottom of the page, a confirmation message will appear for you, choose OK and then specify the reason for withdrawal. Remember that you will lose your seat at the university and you cannot be re-admitted.

4. After that, you will see an icon for printing the withdrawal form. By clicking on it, an electronic withdrawal form will be exported, which proves your withdrawal from the university. A color printer is required to show the stamp and signature in color.